Safe and playful container for self-reflection and exploration to identify the various characters that exist within you.
Cultivation of the ability to notice and pay attention to your inner cast of characters, sharpening your awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and reactions, leading to a broader understanding of yourself and your patterns of behavior
Capacity to listen to your characters, their fears, and the values that feel threatened, providing each character with a voice
Ability to consciously choose how you wish to show up in the scenes of your life to better meet your intentions, thus fostering personal transformation and growth while also enhancing your quality of presence in relationships and in life
A mindset of self-and other-compassion and -acceptance, recognizing the inherent messiness of human development and the human experience and its inevitable forays both forward and back
International Coaching Federation Continuing Coach Education credits (5 Core Competency & 18 Resource Development credits)
Upon completion, invitations to join the community of Ghost Light Alumni at quarterly, live, virtual events as we continue the practice together